“Lilla” Award for Outstanding Contribution/Achievement to The Poole Yacht Club

The “Lilla” Salver is awarded annually by the Flag Officers to a Club member or group of members who have made an outstanding contribution or achievement to our Club during the previous year. It will be awarded at our AGM in March 2021.
The award is for achievements or contributions for the period January – December 2020.
Any Club member from any membership category is eligible to receive the award. Members of the General Committee and Club Employees are not eligible. The eligibility criteria encompass any outstanding contribution or achievement. e.g., An outstanding contribution to volunteering, a truly exceptional racing result, exceptional assistance to other members etc.
Whatever the reason for nomination, the person or persons nominated will have made a positive contribution to other members in the Club or will have put our Club in the spotlight in a very positive manner.
Our members will decide who they wish to nominate and submit such nominations to the Flag Officers. The Flag Officers will consider all nominations received and their decision will be announced at the AGM and the “Lilla” Salver awarded.
How to nominate a member for the Flag Officers “Lilla” Salver:
- Two members must propose the nominee.
- There must be a statement for proposing the nominee.
- The statement must be no longer than 200 words. If necessary, the Flag Officers may wish to discuss the nomination with the proposers to further understand the proposal.
- The proposal must be sent by email to our General Manager, Mark, headed “Lilla” Proposal: genmgr@pooleyc.co.uk
- Closing date for proposals is 28th February 2021.
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
General and Sub Committee Schedule 2021*
Month |
19:00 (W) 20:00 (S) H, B & C* |
17:00 Y & H* |
18:00 (W) 18:30 (S) Social* |
19:30 (W) 20:00 (S) Sailing* |
19:30 (W) 20:00 (S) General** |
19:00 Mem. * |
19:00 IT* |
Jan | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | FORUM-26 25 |
13 | 12 |
Feb | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 22 | 17 | 9 |
Mar | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | AGM-20 29 |
17 | 9 |
Apr*** | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 26 | 14 | 13 |
May | 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 24 | 12 | 11 |
Jun | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 28 | 16 | 8 |
Jul | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 26 | 14 | 6 |
Aug | No | Committee | Meetings | In | August | # | # |
Sept | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 27 | 15 | 7 |
Oct**** | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 25 | 13 | 5 |
Nov | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 29 | 17 | 9 |
Dec | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 20 | 15 | 7 |
* Meeting Times/Days may change please see agenda when sent out.
** Flag Officers meeting will be held thirty minutes prior to General Committee meeting.
Bank Holidays: 1 Jan; 2 Apr & 5 Apr; 3 May & 31 May; 2 Aug & 30 Aug; 25 Dec & 26 Dec.
British Summer Time Begins: 28th March / Ends: 31st October
*** Meetings start as per Summer times. **** Meetings start as per Winter times
Opening remarks for the Club Forum from John Yonwin
Welcome to the 2021 Club Forum
Thank you for zooming into this important Club Event:
First off….a THANK YOU to the vast majority of members that have supported all the bulletins of dos and donts that have been issued over the last 11 months, necessitated by the Covid pandemic…it seems like a life time….As you can imagine, the Covid Group and your General Committee took no pleasure at all in having to put in place such draconian measures.
Whist in thank you mode, the hours put in by the Covid Group and other committees over the last year has been fantastic and we members do owe a big vote of thanks to those members for the all the time put in, also to our great band of Night Watch Team Member Volunteers. Thank you to our team of staff colleagues for all their efforts during the last year.
Past Commodores briefed me by saying “Being Commodore is easy peasy, just don’t drink too much at the round of Cocktail Parties you and Pat will attend….” Well, the first year has turned out slightly different than that, not so easy peasy and not a cocktail party in sight!
But let us hope that we may be beginning to turn the corner with this retched virus and we can, just may be, start to see our lives return to some form of new normality and the our Club can fire up again in the not too distant future.
So, now to the Club Forum:
Those member new to the forum process…..It is held at this time of year to give you, the members, the opportunity to ask questions to the panel.
Tonight we have Adam Deary, Vice Commodore Yard & Haven, Tracey Lee, Rear Commodore Sailing & On The Water Activities, Simon Philbrick, Rear Commodore House, Bar & Catering, Kate Mellor, Honorary Treasurer, Tim Edom, Chair of the Membership Sub Committee and Mark Fulton, General Manager.
Some questions have been submitted already and thank you for those.
There will be an opportunity for you to submit your questions live via the zoom chat box and this evening’s Zoom Administrator, Kate Macgregor, will help us through the zoom process. Lorna Whitehead is also assisting with the handling of the questions.
To start….The Flag Officers will each speak for a few minutes on their respective areas of responsibility and interest within the Club; looking at the recent past and turning to look towards the future.
We can learn from the former and work on the later. We will do our upmost to answer the questions as fully as possible during the Forum. If we need to research to give the answer, we will get back to however raised the question, after the Forum.
As in previous Forums, we do not keep minutes of the Forum, by Mark does keep notes so that we can capture these and raise them at General Committee for consideration or / and review.
Our Annual General Meeting is approaching:
I am very mindful that our AGM lead-in is almost upon us. I am sure that in recent years, as a result of the Forum, some members have decided to put in a proposition to the AGM for the membership to consider a Rule or Policy change. Will this year see the same?
Additionally, you may feel the time is right for you to consider standing for General Committee and / or one of the Flag and Officer positions. All Officers and Flag Officers have to be voted in annually.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my years on General Committee and the various volunteering jobs I have undertaken, and if you feel the time is right for you to stand, why not put your name forward?
I have been proud and pleased to have been elected as your Commodore and I know that our Club is one of the best around. When asked, especially by prospective members, why I feel that; it just seems to work so well with all the various classes, events, members, the volunteering, fantastic club house, our team of staff colleagues and great access to one of the best stretches of water anywhere….
Whilst being your Commodore, I will do my utmost to ensure that the objects and traditions of our great Club are protected and nurtured and we will journey into the future with confidence.
Now to over to our Flag Officers….
The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
Hello everyone,
Last year Studland became a designated Marine Controlled Zone (MCZ) and there is now a request for comments and suggestions on how it will be managed. The closing date is 15th December 2020.
It is the responsibility the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to determine the management of the Marine Controlled Zone at Studland.
The MMO is considering what needs to be done for the preservation of the environment and marine life in that area.
A meeting attended by representatives from Poole YC, The RYA, The Poole Yachting Association including Parktone and Royal Motor Yacht clubs, and Salterns Marina was held to discuss the options put forward by the MMO and the implications for recreational boating activity in that area.
Broadly there is a consensus that The RYA should respond on behalf of all boating activity, recognising the need for conservation and protection of the seagrass beds at Studland, but at the same time seeking a largely voluntary code of practice. The yacht clubs will each be making their own representations on the specific options and in line with this consensus.
There was a general consensus for a statutory speed limit in the Zone and very much against a total ban on recreational boating; the latter option is the most severe of those put forward by the MMO.
If you wish to make a personal statement to the MMO, details can be obtained at https://consult.defra.gov.uk/mmo/call-for-evidence-mmo-mpa-assessments/ where there is a response form and further information about the consultation.
We will keep you posted as to developments on this issue and thank you for your support in this.
Signed Tracey Lee RC Sailing & On the Water Activity

Ellie's latest kite foiling success
Congratulations to Ellie Aldridge winning a silver med at the 2020 Formula Kite European Championships in Poland.