“Lilla” Award for Outstanding Contribution/Achievement to The Poole Yacht Club

The “Lilla” Salver is awarded annually by the Flag Officers to a Club member or group of members who have made an outstanding contribution or achievement to our Club during the previous year. It will be awarded at our AGM in March 2021.
The award is for achievements or contributions for the period January – December 2020.
Any Club member from any membership category is eligible to receive the award. Members of the General Committee and Club Employees are not eligible. The eligibility criteria encompass any outstanding contribution or achievement. e.g., An outstanding contribution to volunteering, a truly exceptional racing result, exceptional assistance to other members etc.
Whatever the reason for nomination, the person or persons nominated will have made a positive contribution to other members in the Club or will have put our Club in the spotlight in a very positive manner.
Our members will decide who they wish to nominate and submit such nominations to the Flag Officers. The Flag Officers will consider all nominations received and their decision will be announced at the AGM and the “Lilla” Salver awarded.
How to nominate a member for the Flag Officers “Lilla” Salver:
- Two members must propose the nominee.
- There must be a statement for proposing the nominee.
- The statement must be no longer than 200 words. If necessary, the Flag Officers may wish to discuss the nomination with the proposers to further understand the proposal.
- The proposal must be sent by email to our General Manager, Mark, headed “Lilla” Proposal: genmgr@pooleyc.co.uk
- Closing date for proposals is 28th February 2021.
We look forward to receiving your nominations.