MMO Studland Habitat Protection Strategy
The process has taken several turns this year. We have regularly updated the General Committee and we now feel that it’s time for an update for all of us, while we wait for more clarity from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Read a simple briefing on the current situation with the MMO. Read our response with the Club's positionFor those of who would like more detailed information, the briefing has a link to the MMO’s full document.
Read the RYA’s responseWe will continue to work with and through the RYA, and the other Clubs in the area, to make sure that our right to use Studland Bay is maintained, and at an affordable price.
If you have any questions or comments, please email
We look forward to hearing from you
Thanks and regards

Brian Snelgrove (Sailing and General Committee) and Howard Davidson on behalf of the General Committee