Poole Yacht Club Cruiser Fleet

Cruiser racing is the biggest thrill on the water. Teams of between 2 and 10 test their skill, seamanship and knowledge in an invigorating competitive enviroment. Yachts of all types compete every week against the wind, the clock and each other.
There's an atmosphere of friendly competition on race nights. Teams vie to be the evenings fastest, and to beat their own personal best. But really everyone is here to have a good time. After the sailing is over and the results are in, everyone gets together at the bar for a chat, a drink, and a review of the race. We exchange tips and techniques for improvement, catch up and congratulate each other.
With over 70 boats out on the water at the height of the season, it's always social and competitive.
The racing season runs from Spring to Christmas and new competitors can join at any time. During the Spring and Summer months we race every Tuesday night at 7:00pm. During the Winter we race on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.
The Classes
The Cruiser Fleet
We race in banded groups (aka ‘Classes’) of similar speed yachts to make each experience on the water, in and out of the Harbour, competitive and exciting.
Cruiser racing is for all boats generally between 18ft to 40ft. Although we do have single handed competitors, crews on a cruiser are generally between 2 to 8 sailors, with races lasting between one and two hours.
Some of our most competitive racing is for one-design boats including our very own R-19 fleet of 20 plus boats – some out a few times each week!
Other Cruisers race under VPRS, a measurement rating system widely used on the south coast and elsewhere, which works in a similar way to the ORC (Offshore Racing Congress) system and generates TCCs similar to IRC.
VPRS: a yacht rating system for everybody
Every year competing yachts need to get a VPRS rating certificate to determine their rating in the form of a Time Correction Coefficient (TCC). Available from Ruth at (https://www.vprs.org). the rating is based on the length, weight, draft, rig size, sail area, and specific characteristics and features.
The rating allows the race officer to decide which Class they should be part of, and the results officer uses the rating (TCC) to calculate corrected finishing times using the well-known Sailwave software. First over the line does not necessarily mean you're the winner!
Note: We encourage participation and boats may race with or without spinnakers: the latter helpful for newcomers and shorthanded crews. However, Class entry is determined by the spinnaker rating. In the absence of a spinnaker, typical measurements of same, or similar, boats shall be applied.
Larger/heavier boats are accommodated in Classes 1 and 1A
Smaller/lighter boats are accommodated in Classes 2 and 3
See Class definitions.
Cruiser Racing Class Definitions

Mooring Launches
We run a free shuttle service from the Haven to the Club Moorings.
Available from 1st April to 30th September
- Weekdays
- 8:30 a.m. to Dusk.
- On the hour until 4 p.m. on demand after 4:30 p.m.
- Weekends
- 8:30 a.m. to Dusk on demand
Contact the launch driver:
VHF Channel 37 or 80. Callsign Pike Delta (followed by the name of your boat).
Or call the Club on 01202 672687, Option 5: Haven Office
The journey is a short 10 minutes from the Club house and will take you to the mooring your boat is on.