Cruising with Poole Yacht Club

Members of the Cruising Section like going places by boat.
It can be a barbeque on the beach at Studland or wafting through the French canals to the Mediterranean.
In the summer months we organise cruises to various destinations usually within reach on a single tide and we plan these with the tide in mind.
For example drifting down channel to Weymouth or Portland on a morning ebb or to the various venues in the Solent on a flood.
Ideally, we like to Cruise in Company, but this is not a race so there are no timed starts or mad rushes to a finishing line.
For safety it is always good to sail in company, but if you want to leave when you can and take as long as you want to get there that’s fine too.
We will book a number of berths at the various destinations and where possible book places for a meal out for those who want to eat together.
There is an established tradition of a pontoon party before we head off for the meal. Just bring a bottle and nibbles and join in the jollity. Some of our trips are planned to coincide with other events at or near the venue. Like the Square Festival in Weymouth or Yarmouth to watch the Round the Round the Island Race as the fleet passes the Needles.
If you're new to making a passage in your own boat, we are here to help you with planning or sailing in company just for reassurance.
At the end of sailing season, we keep in touch through a laying up supper then country walks and evening talks through to the fitting out supper when the sailing begins again.
Visit our new website for all the details.