Poole Yacht Club Dinghy Fleet

Poole Yacht Club has a diverse range of racing dinghies. The fleets with their own race starts are Osprey, Laser, Yachting World Day Boat, GP14 and Hobie 16. All other dinghies race as part of our three handicap fleets: fast, medium and slow.
If you would like to form a new dinghy fleet please contact our Sailing Professional sailing@pooleyc.co.uk
Races are as competitive or relaxed as each participant wants to make them. We have Olympians, passionate hobbyists, and novices in our races.
Each competitor is looking for something different. Some look to win, some to improve, some just to enjoy being out on the waves in the company of like minded people.
We race from April to December and members can join at any time on payment of the race fee. During the Spring and Summer months we race every Monday, Thursday and some Saturdays, please see the calendar for full details. During the Winter we mainly race on Saturdays.
Several different boats types are available for hire.
The Classes

RYA Adult Beginners Course
This is a TWO DAY COURSE, and we look at the basics of sailing across both Single and Double Handed boats.
We will be following the RYA Scheme throughout the course and you will hopefully learn the following:
Rigging - Tacking - Gybing - Upwind & Downwind Sailing - Launching & Landing.
If you have wanted to give it a go for a while or just need the confidence to get out there sign up to this course. Plus lunch is included in the price
For more information and to book: