Cornish Shrimpers

Class Captain: Jonathan Davies (07801287502)

The Cornish Shrimper 19, (and more recently its slightly larger equivalent the 21) is one of the most well-proven sailing cruisers with almost 1400 built since 1980 and production still continuing. Its success can be attributed to a very competent, yet reassuring sailing performance, good accommodation for its size, sturdy construction and over all, - versatility. With its lifting keel and purpose-built trailer, the ability to be towed behind a large estate car enables the exploration of far-flung cruising grounds. Its attractive lines have also played a part in its enduring popularity. This is a cruiser that has the added bonus that it can be taken home for storage and maintenance at the end of the season, and cheaply launched and recovered from a slipway. The boats are available with an outboard or powered by a 9hp Yanmar diesel inboard. Maintenance costs are relatively low. Prices start from about £7000 for an older outboard boat but they are always in demand and hold their value well.

19 Poole Shrimpers, including 7 Poole Yacht Club boats sail around one of the biggest passenger ships in the world
19 Poole Shrimpers, including 7 Poole Yacht Club boats sail around one of the biggest passenger ships in the world

Shrimper sailors are fortunate to have a very active and enthusiastic owners’ association which has a comprehensive website with advice and technical support about all aspects of Shrimper ownership. The SOA also organises an annual ‘International Shrimpers’ Week’. These well organised rallies give the opportunity to trail and cruise in company with dozens of other similar boats and enjoy relaxed sailing led by local experts. Recent destinations have included the Fal Estuary, The River Clyde and Rothesay, Milford Haven, St Malo, Plymouth, Northern Ireland, the Dutch Canals, the East Coast and this year Largs in Scotland. Many Poole Yacht Club Shrimper owners are regulars at these events.

Newly Launched from thePoole Yacht Club slipway
Newly Launched from the Poole Yacht Club slipway

With its shallow draft and lifting keel the Shrimper is ideal for sailing in the shallow waters of Poole Harbour. They are very manoeuvrable in restricted channels, can happily sail in 3ft of water using the lifting keel as a mechanical depth sounder and can be run onto a beach for a picnic. It is no surprise therefore that locally the Shrimper is very popular with over 100 in this area. Poole also has an active branch of the Shrimper owners’ Association which organises a comprehensive sailing programme with an organised event most weeks. Typical sails are trips to Studland, Swanage and Wareham together with raft-ups for picnics in quiet bays and the very popular round the island pursuits when as many as 20 boats take part. See the attached 2022 programme.

A rare opportunity to sail behind Round Island (with keels half raised!)
A rare opportunity to sail behind Round Island (with keels half raised!)

AtPoole Yacht Club we are a recent but growing class with 15 Shrimper 19s and 3 Shrimper 21s. For many owners the emphasis is on local cruising, and our members enjoy boating together as well as solo sailing. Those who enjoy racing now have their own Poole Yacht Club start (see under ‘racing’). Shrimpers also often appear in the Poole Yacht Club Wednesday cruises and many Poole Yacht Club boats regularly turn out to participate in the Local SOA sailing events (see the photos and list at the end). A feature of Shrimper ownership is the easy-going camaraderie of a less competitive sailing atmosphere, and here at Poole Yacht Club we share that. If two Shrimper owners meet in the bar a friendly discussion will surely follow! All Poole Yacht Club Shrimper owners are given a list of the contact details of other owners in the Club. We are fortunate that here we have some of the most experienced Shrimper sailors in the country, and we can always call upon a wealth of Shrimper knowledge. If you have any questions either technical, sailing or trailing you are certain to find someone at Poole Yacht Club who can supply the necessary information!

Poole Shrimpers’ round the islands pursuit last year
Poole Shrimpers’ round the islands pursuit last year

ThePoole Yacht ClubShrimper group also prides itself on our willingness to help each other. Especially, if you are nervous about self-launching or recovery, (which can be done quite easily at the Poole Yacht Club slipway with a Shrimper), there is certain to be a fellow Shrimper owner willing to help. Help and advice with repairs and maintenance is also always at hand.

Packed up and off to explore somewhere new
Packed up and off to explore somewhere new

Thinking of getting a Shrimper? Want a sail in one? Someone here at Poole Yacht Club is sure to be able to help.

You are very welcome to give me a call. Jon Davies 01202 672566

Poole Yacht Clubbased ‘Merriwinds’ a long way from home in the South of France for a holiday
Poole Yacht Club based ‘Merriwinds’ a long way from home in the South of France for a holiday

Follow this link to the Shrimper Owners’ Association with is wealth of information, advice and technical articles about all aspects of Shrimper sailing and trailing. Here you will find advice about the different types of Shrimper available and there is a section detailing second-hand boats for sale

Follow this link to the Cornish Crabbers’ website which gives full technical details of the various guises that Shrimpers come in.

The Poole section of the SOA, led by Poole Yacht Club member Cathy Neyland, has prepared a very full programme of events for 2022. The calendar gives an indication of the breadth of local Shrimper sailing opportunities that are available. There is no entry fee or subscription, if you own a Shrimper you are very welcome!

Poole Yacht Club member Karen Macey in a photo chosen for the cover of the SOA magazine
Poole Yacht Club member Karen Macey in a photo chosen for the cover of the SOA magazine
 Poole Yacht Club member and SOA chairman Trevor Heritage runs back to the haven after a Shrimper picnic off Brownsea
Poole Yacht Club member and SOA chairman Trevor Heritage runs back to the haven after a Shrimper picnic off Brownsea
Poole Yacht Club member and Shrimper owner David Lack (sailing his Atlantide)
escorts a group of Shrimpers to the Solent
Poole Yacht Club member and Shrimper owner David Lack (sailing his Atlantide) escorts a group of Shrimpers to the Solent
Heading towards the 'Aurora'  and the 'Queen Victoria' on a perfect July afternoon
Heading towards the 'Aurora' and the 'Queen Victoria' on a perfect July afternoon

Cornish Shrimpers Events Programme

Full of optimism that next season will be an improvement on 2021, The Poole section of the SOA, led by Poole Yacht Club member Cathy Neyland, has prepared a very full programme of events for 2022. the calendar gives an indication of the breadth of local Shrimper sailing opportunities that are available. There is no entry fee or subscription, if you own a Shrimper you are very welcome

  • Start of Season Lunch
    Sat 9 Apr
    12:30 p.m.
  • Afternoon shakedown sail to Studland
    Sat 23 Apr
  • Wareham River
    Mon 9 May
  • Figure of 8 round the Islands
    Thu 19 May
  • Swanage
    Wed 25 May
  • Chapman’s Pool
    Thu 9 Jun
    9:30 a.m.
  • Figure of 8 round the Islands
    Fri 17 Jun
  • Solent “WhatsApp” Cruise Week
    Mon 20 Jun - Mon 27 Jun
  • International Shrimper Week
    Mon 20 Jun - Thu 30 Jun
  • Redhorn Point
    Wed 6 Jul
  • Christchurch Overnight
    Sat 9 Jul - Sun 10 Jul
  • Christchurch to Solent
    Sun 10 Jul - Mon 11 Jul
  • Lilliput SC lunch
    Sat 16 Jul
  • Chapman’s Pool
    Fri 22 Jul
    9 a.m.
  • Guided Tour of Brownsea Island
    Mon 1 Aug
  • Figure of 8 round the islands
    Sat 13 Aug
  • Brownsea Island - Time Trial
    Fri 19 Aug
  • Studland
    Mon 22 Aug
  • Swanage
    Tue 6 Sep
  • Wareham River
    Thu 25 Sep
  • Peveril Ledge Chase
    Tue 20 Sep
  • Figure of 8 round the islands
    Wed 28 Sep

In addition, at Poole Yacht Club, we shall have a Shrimper presence at the popular Friendly Fridays when, every Friday evening from May to September we meet at the club at around 6pm for a group sail around a fairly short prearranged course with other cruisers and dinghies. The emphasis is on relaxed sailing and the evenings have proved popular with families and newcomers to sailing. On return to the club there is normally a barbeque supper and an opportunity for a chat in the bar. You don’t need to book in advance, just come to the briefing on the slipway with everyone else.

Racing at Poole Yacht Club

Contact Colin Calver ( for more details

Tuesday Evening 3 Series (each with 8 races). The Shrimpers are Class 4. The warning signal is at 6.40pm and the start at 6.45pm

Cornish Shrimper Race Results