The Commodore's Newsletter September 2020
Dear Fellow Members
Thank you...
From the outset, I would like to thank everyone for the hundreds of messages of support that have come our way from you all since March. The journey has been a real challenge for us all, but we are “getting there.”
Our overriding objective was (and still is), to deliver your Club back to you as speedily as The Government easements allow, totally respecting the safety and welfare of us all.
Life (and Club life) may never be back to quite where we were and we all may well, together, have to adjust to a “new normal.”
Getting our Lounge back

It is now six months since we were forced to enter into “lockdown” and, as you will have read in the latest Bulletin 17, we are now at the point of being able to return the Club Lounge to you.
“At last!” I hear you cry. It is beginning to look stunning…..thank you all for your patience.
Your Committee took the decision to use this moment in time to undertake some refurbishment of the Lounge area, so that the Club presents well, not only for today, but into the future. The huge amount of time put in by your Volunteer Committees, during the last few months, has paid a great dividend for us and they deserve our thanks and appreciation.
Some aspects of the refurbishment are still to be completed and some “tweaking will be necessary, as we go live…...” Your comments will be most welcome in that regard. Details of that process are below.
We will keep you updated. Our aim is to essentially complete the basics by the end of this month (except for the rebuild of some of the chairs) and some “tweakings” will follow.

Bar & Catering
The enthusiasm and commitment shown by Jack and Tom, with their respective Teams, has been fabulous and many thanks, indeed, go to them. It has not been at all easy as we (and they) have had to pick our way through all the legislation and covid rules (which appear to change as frequently as our weather patterns!) and they still keep smiling. Please bear with them, and us, as we progress on this journey and, as has happened, a member (or two) tries to bend the guidelines and then pressurise our staff. That is simply “not on.”
There are great food offerings currently…come and enjoy!
Social side of Club Life
Thoughts now turn to the Social programme and the Social Committee is working with the Covid Group and General Committee to ensure that a Social programme returns as Autumn approaches. Great care is being taken to consider what is being planned and “allowed under the current constraints.” Plans are being worked up and announcements will be soon made. Many thanks to the Social Committee team.

Sailing & On the Water Activities
Our Team Sailing has been burning the midnight oil to squeeze in even more sailing and on the water activity into the calendar. “Friendly Fridays” is now becoming “Friendly Sundays” for example. Thanks, Rear Commodore Tracey, for bringing that high enthusiasm to the team….” (Simon Robinson, Sailing Secretary, has for the moment been seconded onto House, Bar & Catering to work with Rear Commodore Simon and the team deliver the Lounge re-opening; as has Jo Edom, Alison Consolos and Steve Thompson)
Congratulations to two of our Poole YC boats that took part in The Weymouth Regatta this weekend
Team Volante: John Waters, Kevin Cross, Joe Cross, Daniel Wootton and Jack Sharland were the winners in IRC 3, which is a very competitive class.
Team Cacoon J24: Dave Hale, Nye Davies, Dave Coward and Alan Harris-Guerrero won the J24 Class. Great to see teams from Poole YC picking up the silverware… well done!Also to Ellie Aldridge on her gaining the Silver Medal at the Kitesurfing Europeans!
Subs and Dues
Do you know of a member that needs a helping hand?
The demands for membership subs have recently been sent out and some members are using the recently introduced Direct Debit payment method to spread the cost. Please contact one of the Flag Officers if a confidential conversation would help with regard to the payment of subscriptions or dues; especially at this time of such uncertainty.
Your White Card Pre-payment collected with membership subscriptions
We have had some feedback on this and the method of collection (if the Direct Debit option is taken up). Upon consideration, whilst accepting that there are a number of ways of handling this collection process, we will stick with our announced method for this year and consider for next year if any changes (in the light our experiences) need to be introduced.
Strange times these, in which to hold our meetings, which are “on line”. Generally, no face to face Committee meetings are taking place (yet).
General Committee Meeting Minutes are available to members on line to read. We are still holding the Covid Group meetings and will continue that process for the immediate future (and until your General Committee feels other wise)
Annual General Meeting and Club Forum
With our financial year about to end, we now start to consider, and plan for, the Annual General Meeting. This will take place on Saturday 20th March 2021. Richard Cake, Mark Fulton and I will put recommendations to our Committee as to how we can achieve this; using what technology is available and what restrictions may be in place at the time and if / how a Club Forum may (perhaps?) be held. We will, of course, keep you posted.
Keeping us all up in the picture, The Notice Boards and Feedback
I am very keen that, especially in these strange times, we do all we can to ensure we keep you in the picture.
Our Club House Notice Boards will be available again from the end of this month.
The Clubs’ Website (thanks to Chris Playfair) is well up to date.
Bulletins and Messages from Flag Officers will keep flowing, as we need.
I am at the Club on many occasions during the week and weekends, and always pleased to hear your views, or meet with you (why not arrange a date and time for a cuppa with me?)
Some queries may well be best dealt with by Mark, Lorna, Jack or Tom and the staff team.
The Flag Officers and Committee members are always ready to help with any questions and receive feedback.
I wish you all every good fortune and my best wishes.
Please feel free to contact me and my colleagues as you need….

Commodores Newsletters
- August 2022
- March 2022
- December 2021
- June 2021
- December 2020
- September 2020
- July 2020
- May 2020
- April 2020
- March 2020
- February 2020
- December 2019
- October 2019
- July 2019
- June 2019
- May 2019
- January 2019
- October 2018
- June 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- July 2017
- June 2017
- May 2017
Sailing Secretary Reports
Members News
- How to go to France in summer 2022
- Poole Harbour Watch
- Soundings 2022
- Studland Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone
- Commodore’s Newsletter
- Night Watch
- Change to Flag Officer Roles
- Welcome to the 2022 Club Forum
- Commodore's Challenge Trophy Returns to Poole Yacht Club
- Important Notice - Dinghy Park Spaces 2022
- Matt Burge wins the Osprey National Championship and the Fireball National Championship
- Glen Truswell wins the International Canoes National Championship
- Kate Macgregor and her all-female team win the RYA National Match Racing Championship 2021
- MMO Studland Habitat Protection Strategy
- Club Guidelines and FAQs
- Safety Boat News #01
- Report on the 2021 Poole Osprey/Fireball Open
- Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Flare Disposal
- “Lilla” Award for Outstanding Contribution/Achievement to The Poole Yacht Club
- General and Sub Committee Schedule 2021*
- Opening remarks for the Club Forum from John Yonwin
- Zoom set up guidelines
- Christmas Opening Hours
- Surplus Furniture
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Ellie's latest kite foiling success
- Angus Kemp makes GB sailing team Laser radial youth squad
- 2019 Formula Kite Europeans
- YJA MS Amlin Yachtsman of the Year
- ITCA Nationals
- Mirror Write Up