The Commodore's Newsletter March 2022
Your Annual General Meeting
Thank you to the members that came to the Club on Saturday evening and to those that voted ahead of time by post / email. This meeting, together with our Club Forum (held in January), give the opportunity for members to put forward questions, comments and to vote.
A number of members have asked me to issue a short summary of the proceedings again this year.
I am pleased to do that.
The Commodore’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report and the Annual Accounts were all voted for.
Following the uncontested elections, the line-up of Flag Officers, Officers and to General Committee is follows:
Thank you for electing me as your Commodore for a further year.
- Changes to the roles of Flag Officers and redefining the sub-committees - Motion Carried
- Reintroduction of Youth berthing credits - Motion Carried

Lilla Trophy 2022 awarded to Steve Thompson
Thank you to members that have submitted the four nominations for the Lilla Trophy this year.
These were:
- The winning Commodore’s Challenge Team
- Simon Foster
- Steve Ehrhart
- Steve Thompson
Nominations were invited from members for a member, or members, that “simply excelled in ‘on the water’ activities or volunteering or going that extra mile on behalf of the Club or its members…..”
Clearly all four nominations were worthy of being nominated.
Thank you to those members that submitted names.
The Judges (your Flag Officers) did not find the task of selecting a winner at all easy this year.
Both Simon Foster and Steve Ehrhart have done much to promote and encourage dinghy sailing during the past 12 months. Our Commodore’s Challenge Team brought home the silverware and smiling faces all round! We will be defending the Trophy here from Poole YC in December!
However, we have been in strange times, what with covid and everything, the judges felt that the award should, if possible, recognise volunteering across a number of different functions and club operations.
The winner, therefore, is Steve Thompson.
In addition to his duties as Assistant Sailing Secretary (these duties are excluded from consideration by the Judges), Steve has been a cornerstone within the Club’s Covid Group and spent “many many early morning hours” researching Government announcements and helping with the drafting of all the Covid Bulletins.
Additionally, he has spent time liaising across all Club functions to ensure, with others in the Covid Group, that we do all we are able to keep safe during the covid pandemic.
Steve has been right at the front of the vanguard of the coaching team that helped and coached our Youth members win the Commodore’s Challenge last December; not to mention his stints as Race Officer and Events Co-ordination for on the water events we host.
Steve has dropped me this note:
Unfortunately I found that I was booked for some training so cannot attend this AGM, so it was a very nice surprise when John told me of this award.
I have always been very proud of our Club and its achievements which is why I got involved in coordinating our open events - to show off the Club to visiting sailors and give them a chance to enjoy the waters which we all get to use year-in and year-out.
Ever since Jim Macgregor enticed me into the thrill of the Commodore's Challenge 22 years ago I have wanted our youngsters to have a chance to show off their skills in the head-to-head event with Parkstone to the best of their ability.
Steve Thompson
It continues to be a joy and privilege to support this event and to help our teams' continuing success.
It really shows off what is best about the Club with members of all ages, not just the team, getting involved and it was great to have so much support particularly from Matt Hitt and Joe Cross who, to the best of my knowledge, like me do not have any family involved, though that may change soon I hear…
Commodore’s Charity 2022 – 2023

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, Poole
For a number of years the Commodore’s Charity has been Julia’s House.
In the past two years we / you have raised £2,221 even during these more trying times. Thank you for supporting this very worthwhile Charity.
We are, for the year ahead, going to make a change.
The Commodore’s Charity will be The Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, based here in Poole.
Having known members that have benefitted from receiving the excellent palliative care services provide by the Lewis-Manning team of professionals and volunteers, there is no doubt in mind, and that of Pat, this Charity is a good choice for the Club for the year ahead.
We shall be making some further announcements about this and in the soon to be released Soundings.

Pat and I visited Lewis-Manning house just recently and were very struck with the quality and range of the services provided and the dedicated staff and volunteers there.
Those of us involved in organising events and fund raising here at the Club, can I ask that you consider supporting the Club’s Lewis-Manning Hospice Care charity appeal, please?
Leaflets and promotional material can be available to help promote this for you. Just ask me or the Office team.
Thank you for the generosity you have shown over the years in supporting the various Commodore’s Charity appeals.
Wishing you my very best regards.
Always pleased to hear from you.

Commodores Newsletters
- August 2022
- March 2022
- December 2021
- June 2021
- December 2020
- September 2020
- July 2020
- May 2020
- April 2020
- March 2020
- February 2020
- December 2019
- October 2019
- July 2019
- June 2019
- May 2019
- January 2019
- October 2018
- June 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- July 2017
- June 2017
- May 2017
Sailing Secretary Reports
Members News
- How to go to France in summer 2022
- Poole Harbour Watch
- Soundings 2022
- Studland Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone
- Commodore’s Newsletter
- Night Watch
- Change to Flag Officer Roles
- Welcome to the 2022 Club Forum
- Commodore's Challenge Trophy Returns to Poole Yacht Club
- Important Notice - Dinghy Park Spaces 2022
- Matt Burge wins the Osprey National Championship and the Fireball National Championship
- Glen Truswell wins the International Canoes National Championship
- Kate Macgregor and her all-female team win the RYA National Match Racing Championship 2021
- MMO Studland Habitat Protection Strategy
- Club Guidelines and FAQs
- Safety Boat News #01
- Report on the 2021 Poole Osprey/Fireball Open
- Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Flare Disposal
- “Lilla” Award for Outstanding Contribution/Achievement to The Poole Yacht Club
- General and Sub Committee Schedule 2021*
- Opening remarks for the Club Forum from John Yonwin
- Zoom set up guidelines
- Christmas Opening Hours
- Surplus Furniture
- The Future of Recreational Boating at Studland
- Ellie's latest kite foiling success
- Angus Kemp makes GB sailing team Laser radial youth squad
- 2019 Formula Kite Europeans
- YJA MS Amlin Yachtsman of the Year
- ITCA Nationals
- Mirror Write Up