Average last 10 minutes
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Current Wind Speed
Beaufort wind scale 0
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Current Wind Direction
Max Gust Past Hour
Average Speed Past Hour
13 Nov
14 Nov
15 Nov
16 Nov
17 Nov
18 Nov
19 Nov
Wind Speed (knots)
Our weather forecast only covers the next 5 days.
Wind Direction (Degrees)
Our weather forecast only covers the next 5 days.
Tides at Poole Harbour (m)
Not for use in protection of life or property
Tide data reproduced by permission of The Keeper of Public Records and the UK Hydrographic Office.
Tide data reproduced by permission of The Keeper of Public Records and the UK Hydrographic Office.
All times in GMT
Tides at Poole Harbour (m)
Time | Height | |
Low | 1:20 a.m. | 0.67m |
High | 7:10 a.m. | 2.09m |
Low | 1:50 p.m. | 0.83m |
High | 7:20 p.m. | 2.13m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 2:10 a.m. | 0.53m |
High | 7:50 a.m. | 2.22m |
Low | 2:40 p.m. | 0.64m |
High | 8 p.m. | 2.27m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 3 a.m. | 0.43m |
High | 8:30 a.m. | 2.33m |
Low | 3:30 p.m. | 0.51m |
High | 8:50 p.m. | 2.35m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 3:40 a.m. | 0.42m |
High | 9:10 a.m. | 2.39m |
Low | 4:10 p.m. | 0.44m |
High | 9:30 p.m. | 2.37m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 4:30 a.m. | 0.49m |
High | 9:50 a.m. | 2.39m |
Low | 4:50 p.m. | 0.45m |
High | 10:10 p.m. | 2.31m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 5:10 a.m. | 0.64m |
High | 10:30 a.m. | 2.32m |
Low | 5:40 p.m. | 0.54m |
High | 11 p.m. | 2.18m |
Time | Height | |
Low | 6 a.m. | 0.84m |
High | 11 a.m. | 2.20m |
Low | 6:30 p.m. | 0.68m |
Time | Height | |
High | 3:50 a.m. | 2.04m |
Low | 6:50 a.m. | 1.05m |
High | 11:40 a.m. | 2.05m |
Low | 7:20 p.m. | 0.83m |