How to go to France in summer 2022
The summer holidays are here with us again. The Solent is crowded and we haven’t been to France since before Covid. Here’s how we popped over to Cherbourg for a weekend on my Sadler 32. I’m hoping this short explanation of the formalities can help those unfamiliar with the new changes since Brexit and Covid, if anyone is at all worried about how difficult it might be.
In short, it isn’t! Everyone was extremely welcoming – the marina staff, restaurant staff, border police (Police aux Frontieres, or PAF) and the steps are simple. Read on to find out more.
British reporting
You will need to notify the British authorities that you are leaving British waters, and again when you return. From this year you can do this using a C1331 (see link below) in the form of an excel spread sheet via an email. If you click on the tabs, it will auto populate an email for you to send.
Documents you will need to take
Everyone will need a passport, less than ten years old. While you don’t need a visa for short visits, this is limited to 90 days in every 180 days. Make sure your passport was stamped out the last time you left the EU, if after Brexit. It’s also worth having a GHIC or EHIC.
Someone on board needs a radio licence and an ICC. We weren’t asked for them, but we heard from owners whose yachts were searched at sea.
We weren’t asked for boat papers, but you should have them with you. Registration document (SSR); ships radio licence, insurance documents, evidence of relief from VAT and import duty (VAT invoice), logbook (which you should complete with your voyage details).
Animals on board
You can’t transport animals on your yacht to and from the EU.
Choosing a port in France
Going to France, you will need to enter via an official port of entry. We used Cherbourg. Here is the list of ports of entry on the Channel coast.
Dunkirk, Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, Le Havre, Honfleur, Caen/Ouistreham, Cherbourg, Carteret, Granville, St Malo, St Brieuc/Légué, and Roscoff. The Cherbourg PAF may be willing to accept entry via St Vaast; you should check if this is still the case.
Dig out the Q flag along with the French courtesy flag. You’ll need the Q flag when you come home too, and the national yacht line (HMRC) will email you when you are allowed to take it down once you have sent them your return C1331.
You will need to leave the EU from an official port too, so that you can get an exit stamp on your passport. Very important if you want to go back there! Special rules apply to Ireland which is not covered here.
Port Chantereyne

We called the port on +33 (0)2 33 87 65 70. There were plenty of spaces and no need to book. Their email address is and their website is The friendly staff were great and very helpful, we felt very welcome. To fill up with fuel, this can be found by going straight ahead to the pontoon right by the harbour office on pontoon ‘J’.
Ship’s stores
There is plenty in the news about taking food to France. You will be OK so long as the food doesn’t leave your yacht. Same for any food you bought in France and brought back to the UK.
Check duty free limits for goods you plan to take ashore. You can bring an incredible 18 litres of wine back to the UK. Happy shopping!
Stamping your passports; submitting your boat papers
The PAF came to the marina office at 9am and 6pm everyday. They will stamp you in and out.
If you miss them, you will need to go to the PAF office which is open 24/7. The address is 27 rue Dom Pedro and is only a 20-minute walk from the harbour office. It’s in the centre of the complex and is hard to find. You can also call the office on +33 (0)2 33 88 72 20.
Each person on board must have his or her passport stamped. They were happy to accept all the passports from the skipper, not everyone had to go. We also managed to get ours stamped the night before an early start back to the UK, we just returned to our yacht and stayed onboard.
You will need to complete a form for entry. This is accepted by email, or you can hand it over. The link is below. If you forget this, the PAF should be able to provide you with a form.
There are no covid requirements now in place in France for those coming from green list countries, including the UK. No forms; vaccination certificates; masks (unless you go to a hospital or similar).
Arrival back in the UK
You will need to fly the Q flag until you have cleared Customs. An email with another C1331 form and a phone call to the Border Force is enough if you have only British passport holders on board.
I hope it encourages you to revisit France. The paperwork can be overcome. I haven’t included every scenario in this article, but it should show you that it can be done!
Useful links
Declare pleasure craft on voyages leaving or arriving in the UK Pontons visiteurs Navigation de plaisance hors espace Schengen Sailing pleasure craft to and from the UK Paperwork Boating with your pet Entry and Exit Formalities Entering & Leaving France for Cruisers Paperwork for going across the channel Bringing goods into the UK for personal use Foreign travel advice France Sailing to France: what you need to know

Poole Harbour Watch

Dear Members
Poole Harbour Watch
We all have a shared interest in the security of our property and the safe, responsible use of our waters.
Now the season is underway I thought it would be timely to update you on Poole Harbour Watch (PHW) and to ask you to be vigilant in reporting any incidents you may observe when out on the water.
PHW is a community organisation run by volunteers with the close co-operation of enforcement agencies including Dorset Marine Police, Poole Harbour Commissioners, UK Border Force and the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities.
As well as initiating regular liaison between these agencies on behalf of all harbour users, PHW also undertakes regular patrols of the harbour. These patrols are organised on a reciprocal basis by all sailing clubs in the harbour and our Michael Jones on is our representative, coordinating patrols for us here at Poole YC. Michael would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested in knowing more and / or volunteering to do a patrol duty.
We are constantly reminded by Dorset Police and Poole Harbour Commissioners that the regular reporting of incidents not only helps to prevent crime and irresponsible behaviour, it can also impact on the resources which are deployed by the enforcement agencies controlling the harbour. Accordingly, please see the attached circular including the most effective ways to report an incident.
Thank you to all the members that undertake Harbour Watch duties, and to Michael for the time he spends in coordinating the rosters, and to our Jim Macgregor in his role as Chair of Poole Harbour Watch Committee.
Kind regards

Soundings 2022
Studland Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone
The Marine Management Organisation will be holding an open meeting at PARKSTONE YACHT CLUB on Wednesday 13th April at 19:00 hrs at which we, and other clubs, are invited to attend
You will be briefed at the meeting on latest progress. You will be able to ask any questions you may have about the conservation work and restrictions on anchoring that will shortly be imposed.
The meeting will last approximately one and a half hours.
In addition to the meeting at Parkstone Yacht Club the MMO are offering to hold a series of Drop In Meetings at clubs where members will be invited to come and ask questions. We will be inviting the MMO to host such a meeting at our club. This will probably be a daytime session. Further details of this will be announced.

Commodore’s Newsletter
Dear members
Just to update us all on:
Ukraine appeal and our Club Auction Saturday 9th April 2022
After some consultations, we feel it would be appropriate to donate the commissions received as a result of the Club Auction, to the Ukraine Appeal. There will also be an opportunity to give cash donations that afternoon.
Our Annual General Meeting 7 pm Saturday 26th March 2022
Thank you to the many members that have responded to my request to give an indication of whether, or not, you would be agreeable to attending the AGM in person. The response is over whelming support to our holding the AGM at the Club. That is what we will do.
We ask that you take a lateral flow test just prior to setting off for the AGM and that the result is negative. Please do not come to the AGM if you are feeling unwell. We will space the seating to give as much room as possible between those of us attending.
Your comments are most welcome
Always happy to receive your comments and suggestions, and a thank you to the members that meet up with me for a coffee and to talk over Club matters.
My very best wishes
