Night Watch
The Club Committee consider the Night Watch Volunteers Rota an important element of the clubs security and would encourage every member to support this great initiative.
The Local marine police consider that volunteer watches are the best way to protect the valuable assets that are kept both within the club and throughout the harbour.
Night Watch Volunteers have access to the Haven office as their base for the evening. The watch is normally two Volunteers to patrol the Yacht Club grounds utilizing torches and high visibility jackets supplied. The watches operate across the hours of darkness, varying from a couple of hours to a full evening but the hours completed are at the volunteer’s discretion.
The object of the Night Watch is to act as a visible deterrent and so it is all about being seen patrolling the grounds of the club.
As well as the obvious security aspect, Night Watch Volunteering provides an added opportunity to meet other members of the club, plus witnessing the beauty of the harbour in a different light. After the appropriate training, members can also patrol the harbour in the Club launch as part of the Poole Harbour Watch Scheme, which includes patrolling all of the harbour Clubs .
If members were to undertake one watch a year we could cover most evenings throughout the year, please therefore contact Mike Jones and show your support for this great initiative.
Change to Flag Officer Roles
Moving with the times: New Reporting definitions and responsibilities
What are we trying to achieve?
Clearer definitions of Flags and General Manger roles with emphasis on our delivering the best possible service and support to our members and the care of our buildings and property.
In essence, the Flag Officers hold the tiller and give policy direction and General Committee members are the scrutineers and ensure policies and decisions taken by Flag Officers and General Committee are in the best interests of the Club for today and tomorrow.
- Sailing
- To be known as: Rear Commodore Sailing & on the Water Activities (includes racing, events, training, ribs and on the water safety, RYA)
- House, Bar and Catering
To become more services focused and loses the Club house building structure / repairs aspect.
Changes to: Rear Commodore Services (includes bar and catering services, membership support & recruitment, I.T., P.R. & social media, Club & staff policies, and social activities)
- Yard and Haven
As now with the addition of the Club house building structure / repairs aspect
Change to: Rear Commodore Facilities (includes club house, haven, yard, and boat shed)
Dealing with possible “cross overs” (e.g. dinghy yard fees): The most appropriate Flag Officer will take the initial lead e.g. Dinghy yard fees to be retained by the RC Sailing team.
Any of the three Rear Commodores can be the Vice Commodore.
- Sailing
- Training
- Services
- Social
- Membership recruitment
- Website and social media and PR (replaces IT)
- Facilities
Collaborative Committee working
We see no real impact on the way committees operate, other than they will now have a clearly identified Flag Officer for support, escalation of issues and as a conduit for communications to and from the General Committee. The Flag Officer concerned will oversee and support activities of these committees, attending meetings as required/invited and providing advice and liaison with the other Flag Officers and honorary positions as required.
- Commodore
- Chairs General Committee and General Meetings and could include such as: our carbon footprint, broader health and safety policy, Rules and Bye-laws revisions, liaison with RYA, PYA, PHC Poole Harbour Watch and other statutory bodies, representing the Club and members as required.
- Honorary Solicitor
- Clarification of the Club Rules and Byelaws, general legal guidance in Club affairs, as may be required by the General Committee.
- Honorary Treasurer
- Supervision of the keeping of all the books of account of the Club and advice on financial matters including preparing and reporting on the Club’s budget and finances, as may be required by the General Committee.
- General Manager
- Day to day management of the Club, implementing General Committee decisions / strategy, administration, bar & catering, and staff
- Staff involvement and development
- In addition to Mark and Lorna careful consideration of a staff member attending meetings as secretary could be useful for personal development
Please also refer to the diagram document which sets out the above.
Welcome to the 2022 Club Forum
Thank you for zooming into this important Club Event:
We were hoping that this Club Forum would be face to face at the Club. However, we concluded that would not be possible due to the continuing covid pandemic risk. Thank you for the understanding and good humour you have shown during these periods of restriction and / or lockdowns or the last 20 months.
The Covid Group, and other committees over the last year, have been working very hard on our behalf and we all must extend a big vote of thanks to these volunteers and those members that volunteer in so many ways, together with our great band of Night Watch Team Members.
Thank you to our team of staff colleagues for all their efforts during the last year. So many members have been communicating with me recently and asking me to pass on sincere thanks for “often going that extra mile, particularly in the these difficult times.”
So, now to the Club Forum:
Those member new to the forum process: It is held at this time of year to give you, the members, the opportunity to ask questions, put your comments and observations forward.
Tonight we have on the panel with me, Adam Deary, Vice Commodore Yard & Haven, Tracey Lee, Rear Commodore Sailing & On The Water Activities and Kate Mellor, Honorary Treasurer, together with Mark Fulton, our General Manager.
Some questions have been submitted already and thank you for those.
There will be an opportunity for you to submit your questions live via the ZOOM chat box and this evening’s ZOOM Administrator, Mark Fulton, will help us through the ZOOM process. Lorna Whitehead is also assisting with the handling of the questions.
To start us off, The Flag Officers will each speak for a few minutes on their respective areas of responsibility and interest within the Club; looking at the recent past and turning to look towards the future.
If we need to research to give the answer, we will get back to however raised the question, after the Forum.
As in previous Forums, we do not keep minutes of the Forum, but Mark does keep notes so that we can capture key points and raise them at General Committee for consideration or / and review.
Our Annual General Meeting is approaching:
Our AGM lead-in is almost upon us and details of that will be soon sent to you. That will be an opportunity for you to consider putting a proposition forward for a possible change our Rules and / or Bye-laws. Additionally, you may feel the time is right for you to consider standing for General Committee. Please talks me about this prospect, if I can help at all. If you feel the time is now right for you to stand, why not put your name forward?
Now to over to our Flag Officers….
Commodore's Challenge Trophy Returns to Poole Yacht Club

After weeks of practice, the Poole YC Commodore's team won the first 3 of a maximum of 5 races against the team from Parkstone Yacht Club. Both teams sail an Elan 333 in the annual match racing competition, and all members of the team must be under 18 years of age on December 27th.
Oli Hale was helm for the Poole YC team and he and his teammates demonstrated a sophisticated application of the match racing rules.
In the first race, the Poole boat used their starboard advantage at the start to force the Parkstone boat away from the start line, then tacking back to the start and maintaining their lead with close covering of the Parkstone boat.
In the second race, having rounded the windward mark neck and neck, the Poole boat was unable to raise their spinnaker. But the Parkstone boat was windward of the Poole boat, so Oli turned the Poole boat to windward, forcing the Parkstone boat to luff and ultimately incur a penalty. This meant that still without a spinnaker for the downwind leg, Poole won the 2nd race.
For the 3rd race, both boats used the racing tactics more recognisable to those of us who do fleet racing, crossing each other on opposite tacks although the Poole boat again used legitimate luffing to gain an advantage on the downwind leg.
The racing team were Oli Hale (helm), Amber Hale, Tom Clayton, Millie Whittaker, Tom Cluett, Lily Eyre, Toby Griffen, Lucy Griffen, Chris Nunn and Ethan Topping, with Lottie Eyre and Annabelle Topping as reserves. Becky Russell and Beth Prior were unable to take part due to falling ill with covid.
All in all, it was a fantastic sporting event and John Yonwin and I were both thrilled to see the teamwork and commitment from Poole YC: from the sailors themselves, the team of coaches who have been training with them, the boat owners who so generously lend their Elans for practise and the race itself, Rob Kemp for donating the sails and all the many family members and supporters who came out in support of the competition.

Important Notice - Dinghy Park Spaces 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dinghy Park Spaces will not be available for booking on 01/01/2022; either online or via the paper application form. This is thankfully just a temporary blip.
I will be sending out a note during the week beginning 03/01/2022 giving you details on how to go about booking your space online and how to access your account using the Club’s new management system.
Dinghy Park spaces will become available for booking from Monday 10/01/2022. I ask you to please not contact the Office with any queries re Dinghy Park Spaces until after you have read the ‘how to’ email.
I apologise for any inconvenience caused and would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and everything of the best in 2022.